Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)


EFMP Screening Overview


As part of the Command Sponsorship application packet, dependents are each required to complete an Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Screening.

What is EFMP?

The objective of the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is to assess, document, and code the special education and medical needs of family members. Approximately 10% of Army Families have members with special needs, including spouses, children, or dependent parents who require special services.

Why do I need an EFMP Screening?

Soldiers requesting accompanied tours overseas, extensions of more than 6 months of an overseas accompanied tour, or consecutive overseas assignments must have all family members screened for any special medical or educational needs.

Why? As the Army shifts resources overseas, the Army wants to ensure Soldiers are assigned to locations where dependents with special needs can receive necessary care. When reviewing a family member’s needs, the Army often considers the availability of services from the host nation as well as those provided by the Army.

Need help navigating the process?

Visit EFMP staff at ACS or your Military Health Clinic.

Contact your local Army Community Services (ACS) EFMP Systems Navigator or your military health clinic’s EFMP Coordinator to help you with enrollment, disenrollment, updates, and overseas EFMP screenings.

Review EFMP Screening guide.

Visit Army Medical Command for an overview of how the EFMP process works in the below situations:

  • Soldiers located on or near Army post in U.S.
  • Families in remote areas in U.S.
  • Soldier is overseas but family is in U.S.



EMFP Screening Process



What are the EFMP Screening steps?

At your appointment, the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) practitioner will review your screening questionnaire, outpatient medical records, and any supporting documentation to determine if any family member meets criteria for enrollment into EFMP.

  1. Soldier starts Command Sponsorship at levy brief.
    o Soldier completes DA-5888 (Part A) and submits form to S1 who verifies dependent information.
    o S1 returns DA-5888 to Soldier.
  2. Schedule Screening within 30 days of levy brief.
  3. For each dependent, bring to the Screening:
    o DA-5888 Form, verified and signed by S1
    o All military and civilian health records o Completed DA Form 7246 EFMP Questionnaire
    o Recent physical exam (within the last year)
    o For children, bring copies of any non-medical evaluations to include any IEP (Individual Education Plan) or IFSP (if applicable)
    o For children 4-60 months, bring completed Ages and Stages Questionnaire
  4. Only an Army EFMP practitioner completes DA Form 5888 Part B, to be sent for review.

NOTE: If any family member meets enrollment criteria, the enrollment process will be initiated. The enrollment process could take up to 6 weeks.

What happens after the Screening?

Review of your Soldier’s request for an accompanied tour with dependents can take a few weeks up to 3 months.

Authorization for Command Sponsorship

Once your family is approved to accompany your Soldier overseas, your Soldier will be issued amended PCS Orders to include each dependent’s name. Next, each dependent must apply for a No-Fee Passport. An accompanied tour overseas requires a 36-month commitment.

Denial of Command Sponsorship

If your Soldier is denied an accompanied tour with dependents, he or she can choose from 3 main options:

  • Request to change assignments (DA Form 4187)
  • Change overseas assignment to “all others”, meaning a 24-month tour without dependents
  • Proceed overseas alone & in 6 months submit new Command Sponsorship Request (may be denied again)

Without Command Sponsorship, dependents (unless they are EU citizens) will be considered to be tourists limited to 90 days in country with very little support authorized from the US Army. If you are denied command sponsorship but you still plan to move overseas, you are responsible for all travel and living expenses associated with your move.