The 41st Field Artillery Brigade is the only European based Fires brigade. The "Rail Gunners!" Brigade provides strategic, operational, and tactical-level fires and support throughout the U.S. European Command.
As the U.S. Army's only European-based Fires brigade we have a diverse, complex and exciting mission. The 41st Field Artillery Brigade plans, prepares, executes, and assesses operations to provide USAREUR close support and long range precision strike employing organic, Joint, and Multinational fires and non-kinetic capabilities to achieve distributed effects across Europe in support of commanders’ operational and tactical objectives. Your assignment to the 41st FAB includes a warm welcome into your local community.
You can look forward to a challenging and rewarding assignment, while simultaneously enjoying the sights and sounds of Europe. While we work hard, we are committed to providing the best possible environment for our Soldiers and their Families.